Multi-event app
Bring all your events in one fully branded and totally customizable App, and make it the virtual home for all your events, be they in-presence, online or hybrid events.
- Super-App for all events
- Save time and effort to event managers and staff
- Safe and reliable technology
- Marketing and branding tools

SharEvent is the perfect multi-event App for event managers and organizations that create multiple events or multiple editions of the same event over time.
It functions as a fully branded and totally customized super-App containing all single-event Apps, each with its own single access and functioning system.
Users can therefore access the single-event App independently (if they are attending their first event, for instance) or can use the multi-event App to gain access to all events in one place.
The multi-event App thus functions not only as a go-to place to find recurring events but also as a repository of contents and documents that attendees can access, according to the permissions granted by event organizers.
HOW THE MULTI-EVENT APP WORKS for managers and organizers
SharEvent multi-event App gathers into a single management software system all contents and functions that event managers and organizers need to build and manage engaging events. This saves time and effort by allowing contents, graphics and functions to be reused and repurposed from one event to the other, while allowing performance to be compared and data to be analyzed.
Its unified front-end also allows managers and staff to better plan the exact experience they want to provide attendees and users with and to monitor and correct errors as they may occur.